Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Crash and Burn, and then again

So this weekend my roommate and I went out to one of the many Chicago movie theatres. We devised this plan of buying a ticket for one movie, watching it, then sneaking into another movie. It was genius.
Much like one of my favorite blog type website, I promise no spoilers.
This was an event of airplane movies. It started with Flightplan starring Jodi Foster.
Here is the movie.

Jodi Foster: Where is my daughter?
Jodi Foster: (with increasing intensity) Where is my daughter?

Literally, that was it.

I was real angry that I spent 9.50 for this overly advertised piece of crap that wasted 2 hours of my life. And the downtown Lowes doesn't have stadium seating. What kind of big budget theatre is just a big ol' room with chairs?

Still offended by the shit I had just seen, I quickly followed my roommate into the next theatre. The next cinematic opus was Red Eye with Rachel MacAdams.
Here is the movie...

Bunch of predictable action scenes.
No explanation for any detail.
No back story.
Big ass bazooka.

This one was only a tiny bit better, only because Rachel MacAdams is hot.

More quippy movie review as I see more movies.

bye bye


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cheap Rent, Burial Plot View

So I was walking around one.....of the days I walked around...and I passed by what looked to be an old folks home. Actually I passed through it, for some reason the courtyard is directly connected to one of the neighborhood sidewalks. Anyway, it was a series of moderately tall building that I thought might have been dorms except for the large amount of really old people slowly moving around and staring at me like I had just entered their living room.
I figured with all those looks and my age and everything, I should probably get out of there. But the whole place was surrounded by a black, iron fence...the kind with big spikeys on top. Apparently the old people were just getting the urge to do a full sprint out of this place and they were losing them, thus the fence (that's probably not true.)
I finally found an exit to a main drag so I could get home.
But across the street from this retirement dorm community was this big ol' cemetery. I almost burst out laughing at the sheer inappropriateness of the proximity (bigg werds are funn). You have to figure that the cemetery was there first, so some brainiac either decided that this would be the perfect spot for an old age area or that these already existing buildings were a good place to move the old age dorm to. Either way these old people are looking out there window thinking, "well, at least I don't have far to travel"

and then they go do a keg stand or something else dorm-ie.

On a different note, a guy tried to get in to the club last night. He didn't want to pay the cover so he was bargining with us by saying he comes in all the time.
He said he definately knew me for a long time. Me. For a long time. As in over a year.
Man my four shifts working at the door must have been dooseys.



Wednesday, September 14, 2005

In Da Club

So last night work was pretty nut bar. (For all those who don't know, my current employment is at a swanky night club, working security.) There was a shit ton of people upstairs making it tough to find a place to stand and watch the crowd, which is pretty much the bulk of what I do there.
The biggest and only negative drama happened about half way through the night. This punk looking guy came over to me and told me that a guy had locked himself in the bathroom stall. I went to check it out, brought another guy with me, door still locked, no one coming out, tension mounting. After about 20-25 minutes, this was now an issue. Four of us security guys went to the bathroom, calling out, banging on the door. We were anticipating a passed out drunk, or someone hurt, or drug consumption of some sort. A wire hanger was fashioned into a key and the lock was picked. We open the door and....

nothing, the toilet was broken.

So much for the night's drama.

The only other exciting thing that happened was that Jenny McCarthy and her entourage showed up. It was surprisingly large group of people I didn't recognize surrounding her, her sister, and I assume her husband. At the end of the night while security was busying ourselves with getting everyone out the door by 2, Jenny seemed to vanish.

I guess when you become famous, you get some kind of cloaking devise that gets you out of clubs without being seen.

I can't wait to be famous.

bye bye


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hurricane Dizzle

On a recent web surf I came upon the list of names from the National Hurricane Center. There's no real formula for chosing names other than assuring the names are short, easy to remember and pronounce, and dupication is kinda frowned upon.

Turns out, I could be coming to a coastal region soon. In 2005, the Atlantic names have both Lee (my middle name) and Nate. The Eastern Austrialian list has Nathan on it but 22 hurricanes have to blow through before it hits. It's actually kinda creepy to think of all the papers and news channels possibly calling out my name...

and I didn't even win an award yet.

Here is the list... http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutnames.shtml

The humidity is crazy lately. I've come to the conclusion that the midwest has two seasons: summer and winter. But mid-nineties in the middle of september, there should be some sort of law again that. Why do I live here again?



Monday, September 12, 2005

I'll never start a Blog....

...so here it is.
I figure this will be the spot where you all come for wisdom, enlightenment, or general unnecessary information.

So I've been here in Chicago for two weeks now. I have a one night a week job so I can't afford anything yet, doing anything in this potentially awesome city takes money which I have none of

so I've been watching a lot of tv.

There's this thing you can order called the mattress genie. It's this inflateable blue pyramid type thing that costs 90 bucks which pushes your existing mattress up a couple degrees like one of those hospital beds without having to buy another bed. They even throw in a devise to turn your mattress into a massager. To me this is a hundo that I have to spend to put exposed electrical wires and a flammable balloon in my bed for me to sleep on.

I can light myself on fire with an 89 cent bic lighter just as easily thank you very much.

bye bye
