Sunday, November 20, 2005

4 Weeks Is Long Enough To Get Promoted, Isn't It?

So after this weekend, I think I could be a Cheesecake manager.
Both crazy busy days this weekend, we opened without everything setup.
In my mind, the priority of the restaurant should be to be prepared for the mass amounts of people coming through our doors rather than start seating at the strike of 11 or, in the case of Sundays, 10. Kitchens weren't ready, lines weren't set, staff wasn't all ready to work. Thus, problems fall on people like me, the server. Grr.
A manager should be able to read a schedule.
All of them are paid more than me so reading, close reading, careful reading, should be a given. Saturday I picked up a shift. When I got there, the name Wade was on the schedule in my section. Nate, when written, kinda looks like Wade. Only sorta. This would be a minor mistake except Wade is the name of another server. I turned out ok and I worked. But, grr.
Today I walk in and was informed one of the managers is freaking out and looking for me. Alright. Its always comforting to arrive at work already in trouble. So I find her and am curtly told to get on the floor, to section 15. Apparently she read that I was to be in at 10:15 and in 15. In reality, I am Nate, scheduled at 10:45 in 17. Grr again.
Managers should also be better servers than the servers themselves. In theory.
One certain transfer "head of cake" apologized to one of my tables for the long wait on their food. She then proceeded to assure the delivery of half of the food. And that's it. The other half didn't get their food for probably a total of 40 minutes after ordering. And Grr one more time..
All this seems semi hard to follow and too small and specific to get mad at but those of you fabulous servers know what I am talking about.
Ah well tomorrow is another day.

bye bye



Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

Seriously, every post of Jeremy's about Cheesecake I have said verbatim, it's frightening.