Monday, July 17, 2006

I Might Start Temp-ing

I'm trying to figure out why the Cake sucks so much. I mean, just bitching about stupid things can only go so far in explaining bad days at work. Yes, I bartend in a restaurant where, due to my days-only availabilty, I might not make consistently good money. That is my fault, not the Cake's.
But there is daily shit that is not right with it that I can't explain. They hire people with awful attitudes. I hear rumors that other locations have staffs that are like a family. I don't need a family but I would take some mutual respect. They hire managers, spend months and months training them, and they can't smoothly run a restaurant day to day. This should include handling problems with the building, caring for their staff (slightly) more than anyone else, and overall keeping the peace and cool under pressure.
Bottom line, a place of business should not make their staff dread coming to work. Corporate or not, the staff makes the money for the business and should not be treated like shit.
Friends, help me find a new job.

bye bye,


1 comment:

Rachel said...

don't work at the new inn if you want any respect. i fuckin' hate it. food service blows.