Sunday, October 16, 2005

Late and F@#$&D

So its last night... I get off work at the club early and head home. I leave early because I have the last step in my quest for employment at the Cheesecake Factory the next morning at 8:30 in the AM. I set my alarm for 7 and hit the pillow at like 3ish.
So its this morning... I wake up from a dream and glance at the clock. I close my eyes again for a second and after that second am flying through the air, cell phone in hand, one leg in white pants, freaking out. It is 8:55 in the AM. I call the restaurant... I freak out... I don't make excuses... I get a break. In two days I get to take the menu and handbook test, by myself, no help or moderator, but I get to take the test.
Mission for this afternoon - buy a frickin alarm clock that works. It might have to be ceremoniously smashed a la Office Space tonight.
There is nothing more humbling then being a complete dumbass and having nothing to blame but yourself.
Any interesting close call stories where you almost lost a job because of something stupid, let me know.
And now....
List of Tid Bits!
~ John Cusak was in the club last week
~ Saw the Broadway "musical" Movin' Out this weekend... review to come.
~87 degrees - 40 degrees- 50 degrees- 75 degrees- 50 degrees Fall...what the f#%k!

bye bye


1 comment:

Nicole said...

Craig's crazy carrot cake cheesecake