Monday, November 20, 2006

Beer + Good Friends + Good Times = The Bing

This past weekend I went back to my Alma Mater, UW-Madison, to see the last football game of the season. We finished off the season in truly epic fashion, beating the somewhat arbitrary team of Buffalo 35-3 to finish off the year 11-1. Exciting as the win was, this weekend represented something else to me and a special group of people. It was bigger than the game, it was the end of an era.
There is a house located just off of Park street on Dayton that needs no address. It is simply called The Bing. For those that are not a part of this landmark, it is just a house. Just a small house compared to the large apartments and dorms that have sprung up around it over the years. It is rickety, two stories, green and white, and for me and my friends it is the best home we could ask for. Some years ago four gentlemen lived in this house. They had an idea of creating a place for good music, Badger love, sports fanatics, and celebration like no other. The upstairs contained a room too small to be a bedroom, built in a high traffic area between the hallway and the second floor bathroom. This was the birthplace of what was to be The Bing. A makeshift bar was built, complete with a bell rung each time a shot was taken. It was a loud cheers to those that graced The Bing's doorstep.
Over the next three or so years this house was the sight of weekly Badger football parties in the fall, Halloween, St. Patties Day green beer and exuberant Celtic music, and countless theme parties and events. It was a house of friends, dancing in the streets, loud music, movies, drinks, good food, and some of the best times of my life.
At the center of all of this was a love for our school. This weekend marked the last game of the season and the last Bing Game Day for all of us. At the end of this year no one in the Bing family will reside at Dayton and Park. For one last time we raised our voices to Sweet Caroline and Ring of Fire. We danced our hearts out to Jump On It and the Chicken Dance. Those of us who were lucky enough to have tickets to the game Jump(ed) Around one last time with 35,000 of our fellow Badgers. We raised our Bucky Shots in triumph to all of the good times. We toasted The Godfather, Ry, Gino, Joey, Buns, Rory. And I was honored with a picture framed and hung on the wall of fame. My picture includes the following words:
"Live the Bing. Love the Bing. - The Dizz"
Although I was never a resident of the house, I spent much of my time in its rooms. I will never forget all of the great times I had in that house. The friends I made will last a lifetime. I am so honored and grateful to be a part of the Bing family.
I have often reflected on my choice to come to UW-Madison and now, more than ever, I am convinced that I couldn't have made a better decision. I will always be a Badger and The Bing will always be a home for me.


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