Friday, January 06, 2006

Nice Trip

I think one time or another we all have experiences. Ones that are embarrassing and at the same time, if they had happened to someone else and we witnessed them, are frickin' hilarious. This is one of those experiences that I would like to share.
I had a day off. One of few so I was relishing in it by doing very little. After dropping off some laundry at the laundromat or, as I like to call it, the mat, I got a little thirsty. So I left the mat and headed to the Jewel for some refreshment.
As I turned the corner, at the end of the aisle I find a large stack of Pepsi products featuring one nectar of life, Mountain Dew. These 12 packs of dew were on sale for $1.99. I went, shazaam (with my fist in the air) but all in my head. With such low prices I had to get 3. Well, I didn't have to but I did.
With some struggling I began to carry them home in stacked formation. They felt like a small child, if that small child was boxy and, well, green. I arrived at my apartment. I climbed the flight of stairs and upon reaching the top step my shoe caught the top of the step. And then BAM my feet flew up and I hit the ground along with my packages of dew.
I lay there for a few seconds too long.
In the midst of the crash two of my three 12 packs ripped in half, exactly in half. Pretty cool.
I hope that my humorous crash resulted in many a exaggerated story/blog entry for the many douchebags watching my from across the street.

Bye bye


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