Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cheap Rent, Burial Plot View

So I was walking around one.....of the days I walked around...and I passed by what looked to be an old folks home. Actually I passed through it, for some reason the courtyard is directly connected to one of the neighborhood sidewalks. Anyway, it was a series of moderately tall building that I thought might have been dorms except for the large amount of really old people slowly moving around and staring at me like I had just entered their living room.
I figured with all those looks and my age and everything, I should probably get out of there. But the whole place was surrounded by a black, iron fence...the kind with big spikeys on top. Apparently the old people were just getting the urge to do a full sprint out of this place and they were losing them, thus the fence (that's probably not true.)
I finally found an exit to a main drag so I could get home.
But across the street from this retirement dorm community was this big ol' cemetery. I almost burst out laughing at the sheer inappropriateness of the proximity (bigg werds are funn). You have to figure that the cemetery was there first, so some brainiac either decided that this would be the perfect spot for an old age area or that these already existing buildings were a good place to move the old age dorm to. Either way these old people are looking out there window thinking, "well, at least I don't have far to travel"

and then they go do a keg stand or something else dorm-ie.

On a different note, a guy tried to get in to the club last night. He didn't want to pay the cover so he was bargining with us by saying he comes in all the time.
He said he definately knew me for a long time. Me. For a long time. As in over a year.
Man my four shifts working at the door must have been dooseys.



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