Friday, March 31, 2006

Slowly Finding My Inner Deer

As I approach this next week, we are at the half-way point of my stint as a deer. So I thought, why not an update.
To transform my human body into something that would resemble a four legged quadruped, I first had to get used to sore knees, calves, and feet. My version of a deer walks on his toes with my ass out, my chest out, and my arms rigidly at my sides. Can you see it? It seems easy enough to pull off but to keep that pose up for a two and half hour show while moving and acting, requires more strength that I had when I started.
So far I am really enjoying my cast. We are fun, unapologetic, and goofy as hell.
I am once again a child in this show and once again a "whipping boy" of sorts. I play a weak, sickly, and somewhat sad deer but the audience is in for a treat because Nate is in a role with an arc. Watch out.
I don't want to give too much away because I want people to see it.

Stay tunes mah babies.
